The Wenatchee Quakers are newly formed (2025) Quaker worship group. We strive to form a diverse group from within our own community interested in spiritual reflection and questions, while waiting on the Leadings of God within the space of silent worship. We practice a religion of experience, a contemporary, simple, and radical faith. Quakers are also called Friends.
More about Quakers
Quakers believe….
The Quaker faith has deep Christian roots. Many Quakers consider themselves Christians, and some do not. Many Quakers find meaning and value in the teachings of many faiths.
Quakers strive to live lives that are guided by a direct encounter with the Divine, more than by teachings about the Divine. Quaker terms for the Holy include God, the Seed, the Light Within, and the Inward Teacher, among others.
Testimonies are ways that Quakers have found to express our experience of the Divine in our lives. Some of the best recognized testimonies include simplicity, integrity, equality, community, and peace.
Quaker worship….
Quakers gather in the silence and wait expectantly to come into the presence of the Divine and to be guided by the still, small voice by which God speaks to us from within. During the silence anyone—child, woman, or man—may feel moved to offer a simple spoken message (vocal ministry) that is inspired by this holy encounter. Following the message, the silence resumes. A period of worship may include several messages or none.
As an “unprogrammed Meeting” Wenatchee Quakers worship group currently meets for 60 min: 30 min of silent worship followed by approximately 30 min of informal discussion
Quakers include…..
There are Quakers of all ages, religious backgrounds, races and ethnicities, education, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities, and classes. You can find Quakers on all of the world’s continents. Approximately one-third live in the United States and Canada. The Wenatchee Quakers group welcomes and affirms all people.
Meetings for worship
Meetings for Worship are held on the SECOND AND FOURTH Sundays of each month from 9:30 a.m. -- 10:30 a.m.
Meetings begin by gathering and quieting ourselves for worship. Each week a volunteer member brings a selected reading, most often from the book Quaker Faith and Practice (Religious Society of Friends [Quakers], Great Britain). The first 30 minutes of Meeting for Worship are spent in silent worship, followed by 30 minutes of group discussion that often uses the initial reading as a springboard.
Meetings for Worship followed by a potluck lunch are scheduled in members' homes and take place approximately every third month.